Podcasts by Karel

Karel Vanhulsel, former Belgian Champion Strongman, Master in Movement Science, became one of our teachers, and now our podcast host. In this podcast we only host Bram Swinnen Method Ambassadors, who followed at least one of our courses. we delve into their professional situation, listen to their experience in top sport and see which things they implement in their work context.
Podcast 3: Raymond Meyer (Dutch)
Podcast 2: Sebastien Christe (English)
Sebastien Christe is a Swiss physical coach. He studied his master in sports science at the University of Lausanne. He’s been coaching for 5 years now and is working with professional football players, basketbal players of the Swiss first devision, professional mma fighters and professional race drivers.
We discussed a lot of interesting topics in our talk with Sebastien Christe:
– both courses of Bram Swinnen
– implementation of brain training with race drivers
– blood flow restriction study
– Sebastien’s use of eccentric overload
– designing his own training centre
– strength and conditioning for wintersport athletes
– capoeira: movement quality in sports
Podcast 1: Hans Van Alphen (Dutch)
In de eerste editie gaat Karel Vanhulsel in gesprek met voormalig Olympiër en kinésitherapeut van opleiding, Hans Van Alphen. Vandaag is Hans vooral actief als eigenaar van ‘Beweeg Meer’. Hans volgde de Exercise & Physiotherapy Course bij Bram. We beluisteren hoe hij in de praktijk aan de slag gaat, en wat hij meeneemt uit zijn olympisch verleden.
International Association of Strength and Conditioning
In episode 5: host president of IASC Dr. Abobakr Ravand talks with Bram about Strength and conditioning in Football.
Football Fitness Federation
In episode 186 host Ben Cartwright talks with Bram.
They discussed:
– Velocity Based Training
– VBT for youth players
– External & Internal Feedback
– Dual Task Training & much more!
APCF Podcast (dutch)
Gastheer Karel Vanhulsel (APCF) ontving Bram (NL)
– Motivatie van elitespelers
– Aanpak van Bram in Performance Training
– De Bram Swinnen method
– Gebruik van complex methode om transfer te krijgen naar het veld
– Hoeveel herhalingen doe je best bij krachttraining?
– Velocity-based training
– Olympisch gewichtheffen in voetbal